NEW YORK (PRNewswire) — Brand stories are the emotional glue that connects spirits brands to millennial consumers, according to research by a global public relations company.

Brands with compelling narratives appeal to millennials’ desire to be “in the know” and also motivate them to share their discoveries, according to the research study “Millennials & Spirits: Influencing the Path to Discovery,” by PR agency MWWPR.

In fact, the MWWPR research found that millennials are more interested in brands with good stories to tell than how the products taste, and that more than one-third of millennials are more likely to choose a spirit based on its unique history and tradition. In addition, more than half (66 percent) of millennials are more inclined to try craft or small batch liquor brands, which typically have captivating stories, rather than their “big brand” counterparts.

The results also revealed that millennials are highly motivated to try new brands and share their discoveries. Nearly all millennials (93 percent) usually try a new liquor brand after someone such as friends, co-workers and bartenders recommends it to them, according to the study. In turn, two-thirds tell their close friends when they discover a new liquor brand and a third share on social media after discovering a new brand.

“The youngest millennials come of legal drinking age this year, making this generation the most coveted group targeted by today’s beer, wine and spirits brands,” said JP Schuerman, president of MWWPR’s Western Region. “Given their proclivity for discovery and their preference for craft, it’s critical that spirits brands be wired into the emotional triggers and trust factors that drive millennials to trial — and then inspire them to become advocates for their labels.”

MWWPR conducted the online survey among 1,000-plus adults ages 21-34 in the top 20 designated market areas who drink liquor three or more times per month.