FALL BACK — Some on-premises retailers will be able to keep their doors open an extra hour when Daylight Savings Time ends this month. This year’s end to DST is Sunday, Nov. 6. Permit holders licensed to stay open until 2:30 a.m. will gain an hour of business on that Sunday when clocks are turned back from 2 a.m. to 1 a.m.; premises without 2:30 a.m. privileges must close at the regular hour.
BREW N’ QUE — Cincinnati’s Fifty West Brewing Co. and Cleveland’s Great Lakes Brewing Co. are teaming up to present their annual Great Ohio Brew N’ Que on Nov. 5 at Fifty West Brewpub. Executive chefs from both Fifty West and Great Lakes are creating an all-you-can-eat BBQ buffet, which includes BBQ meats, sides and vegetarian options paired with Great Lakes newly released beer-infused BBQ sauces. Beers from both breweries also will be available, as will a special collaboration beer made specifically for the event. More information is available at http://fiftywestbrew.com/event/great-ohio-brew-n-que/.
RIVALRY CONCERT — To bring college football fans together and ignite excitement, Coors Light is hosting a series of concerts the night before three big rivalry games and the national championship game in Tampa. One of the events will be in Columbus on Nov. 25, the day before the Ohio State-Michigan game, and will feature Big and Rich, and Jerrod Niemann. To attend, legal-drinking-age fans can register to win free tickets at CoorsLight.com/rivalry.
DISTILLERY HISTORY — Buffalo Trace Distillery has gone back to its early distilling days, literally, with the discovery of early foundations and fermenting vats dating back to 1873. The discovery happened when Buffalo Trace began renovating a long-vacant building called the O.F.C. Building once used for distilling. As work proceeded, the original 1873 distillery foundation, as well as fermenters from 1882, were unearthed. Experts verified the foundation and fermenters were from an earlier build of the distillery and dated back to the days of Col. E. H. Taylor Jr. in 1873. The foundation and the vats were covered with a cement floor when the building was decommissioned in 1958 and forgotten, until their recent rediscovery.
SUDS AND SPORTS — For many Americans, watching certain sports and enjoying an adult beverage seem to go hand-in-hand, according to a recent Harris Poll. When respondents were asked what type of adult beverage first comes to mind when thinking of 11 different sports, beer was the clear leader for football (75 percent), baseball (70 percent), car racing (55 percent) and hockey (51 percent), and to a lesser extent for basketball (48 percent), boxing (39 percent), soccer (34 percent), beach volleyball (25 percent) and golf (17 percent). Following closely in second place for golf was spirits (14 percent). One quarter of respondents associated horse racing first with spirits (25 percent), while wine topped the list for tennis (19 percent).
PROSECUTING DUIs — Responsibility.org has partnered with Suffolk University Law School to offer a first-of-its-kind, 14-week online course for law school students. “Prosecution of the Impaired Driver” will include the science of alcohol absorption, distribution, and elimination from the body; DUI traffic stops and standardized field sobriety tests; and common evidentiary issues that arise in these cases. Students will have the opportunity to learn how to handle DUI discovery, conduct direct and cross-examination of witnesses, and draft opening and closing arguments. According to Responsibility.org, the inherently scientific nature of DUI cases makes them among the most complex and intimidating cases that can be tried within the justice system.