The Division of Liquor Control is anticipating another successful holiday season this year with specialty gift items and products, which are perfect for the fall season and a long-standing tradition for the liquor industry. Each year at this time, suppliers make a variety of these gift-giving ideas available for Ohio consumers.
Fall and the holidays always bring out new options. This year, we are seeing growth in items such as Crown Royal flavors and small batch American whiskey, while bourbons and craft sprits continue to be hot sellers.
Suppliers submitted products in July that were tailored toward the holidays. After reviewing these products, the division selected items that include a range of brands and prices that have the potential to appeal to Ohio consumers celebrating the holiday season.
For the 2016 holiday season, 56 holiday gift packs were selected for sale in Ohio’s contract liquor agencies. These value-added gift packs include not only the particular brand of liquor, but also contain distinctive accessories and other collectibles, such as glasses, snifters, shakers, flasks and decanters. Prices for all of the holiday items range from $10 to $90. The distribution of holiday gift products to contract liquor agencies is determined based on past sales of these types of items and special requests for particular products.
The division seeks to offer a diverse selection of holiday products that meet and exceed the needs of all Ohio consumers, continuing a holiday tradition of providing Ohio’s adult consuming public a variety of seasonal products and a high level of customer service.
With the many celebrations that are part of the holiday season, it is critical that all businesses selling alcohol practice safe, legal and responsible sales. Educate and train your employees to prevent sales to anyone who is intoxicated or underage. Make a commitment to taking proactive measures to help make this a safe holiday season for everyone.
Please visit our website at for a list of new products, holiday gift items and social responsibility resources.
Gerry O’Neil is chief of Agency Operations for the Ohio Division of Liquor Control.